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SMW Modding Released Projects

The following represent a few of the mods released by SMW Modding up to this point.

Are you looking for a trailer that goes above and beyond the call of duty? If so, then you’re looking the 51 foot Cornhusker hopper trailer. With more capacity for larger harvests, the Cornhusker is made to reduce fuel consumption and the number of trips made to the bins. And when you’re unloaded, just raise the one or both of the lift axles, and ride home with less rolling resistance.

Capacity, performance, and rugged design are the hallmarks of engineering masterpieces, and the Kinze 1050 is exactly one of these. Available with either rowcrop or flotation tires or optional tracks, the Kinze 1050 is big enough to get the job done, no matter how big your harvest. In this market, efficiency is the name of the game, and with more capacity per load, the Kinze 1050 allows your grain cart drivers to make fewer trips from the field to the road, thus reducing overall fuel consumption and money out of your pocket.

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